Well, I don't know about you, but I have a box full of photos from my past life with my ex-boyfriend and I feel that I need to delete them because every time I look at them it brings back all the memories of our relationship and also it makes me miss him so much.
Why do you want to delete your exes from social media?
In a recent poll conducted by online dating site eHarmony, 41% of singles stated that they would like to delete their exes from social media completely, while another 38% said they'd at least like to remove any pictures of their exes. Of those who wanted to erase all traces of their former flames, 33% said they felt defensive and upset when seeing pictures of their exes on social media, while 21% were concerned with how others perceive them in light of these posts. Other reasons included having an easier time moving on (21%), wanting to move on (19%), or feeling that keeping tabs is a waste of time (13%). Is deleting your exes from social media really necessary?
Are you being too sensitive or inconsiderate?
Everyone experiences sadness, but it's important to be mindful of how others perceive your emotions. Emotions aren't black and white. It's best to think of them on a spectrum; otherwise, you might end up hurting someone’s feelings unintentionally. For example, if your feelings about one acquaintance have recently changed because she's no longer fulfilling a need for you (e.g., friendship), it might feel natural to delete her from social media when you decide to close that chapter of your life. But if she’s truly valued and appreciated in your life, perhaps deleting her isn't worth it. Ask yourself: Are these emotions normal for me or are they coming from a deeper place? What is my intention behind deleting/adding someone on social media?
What if you’re still friends with an ex on Facebook, but they are no longer a part of your life in any other way?
no texting, no email, and not a part of your Instagram feed. This brings up an interesting question: how much information should you share on social media if you are trying to heal from a breakup? A breakup is just that- two people who were once together but now separated due to some sort of conflict (even if it was amicable). The problem comes when one person decides they are done with their ex, but their ex is still connected in some way to their lives. Facebook allows you to de-friend someone easily enough, but what about all those photos and videos of your kids they tagged in or comments they left on vacation photos or notes they wrote under pictures from a trip together? Is it considered ok to leave those up?
How can you avoid getting hurt by deleting your exes from social media?
Whether you’re breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or they are breaking up with you, there are a lot of things to consider. Is it ever okay to delete them from social media after breakups? The answer is: It depends. You should always be considerate about what is best for both parties involved. If you and your ex don’t want to stay friends after a breakup then take steps to avoid hurting each other even more in private than in public. When it comes down to how long you should remain friends on social media after a breakup, try not to make either one of you look bad when deleting photos of each other and statuses that reference your relationship (however dysfunctional).
Should everyone be deleted off social media...even friends who hurt us deeply?
Social media is for everybody. I think it's a great and wonderful way to communicate with friends, but it can also lead to some hurt feelings. I had my heart broken once by someone who added me on Facebook and we used to be super close, but then she just stopped talking to me out of nowhere. It really bothered me because I tried reaching out many times, but she never answered any of my messages. Maybe she felt like deleting me was easier than answering me (I'm not sure). Maybe her breakup with her boyfriend has put her in a bad place and that's why she deleted me off social media. But overall, what do you think about deleting people off social media because they've hurt you deeply? Have you ever done it before?