Pinterest for Business: why Using Pinterest for Business?

Pinterest for Business: why Using Pinterest for Business?

Why You Should be Using Pinterest for Your Business

A lot of companies are finally starting to realize the potential Pinterest offers as a marketing tool, and it’s not hard to see why. According to Quintly, 94% of Pinterest users use the site every day, compared to 74% on Instagram and 68% on Facebook. It’s easy to see why you would want to be where your audience spends their time! Learn how you can use Pinterest for business in this in-depth guide.

How is it different from regular social media accounts?

Pinterest is a unique social media platform in that it’s all about sharing pins, or images that interest you. It differs from other platforms in that users do not need to post any information themselves, meaning businesses can use Pinterest without having to open up another space on their profile. But just because businesses aren’t posting doesn’t mean they should shy away from it—quite the opposite, actually.

How can my business benefit from a Pinterest page

From a business perspective, there are three ways to use Pinterest well: promote your existing products and services, generate sales by selling products directly through your page, and boost traffic to your website. And guess what? A 2014 study showed that businesses who used these strategies were more likely to succeed on Pinterest than other marketing methods. One example of a company that did it right is Etsy, which sells handmade goods. They created a board called Where To Find It, where they place direct links to their products so that people can easily purchase them from within their boards. The best part about that is it leads potential customers directly back to their website instead of someone else's; perfect for boosting SEO.

What are some examples of businesses that have used Pinterest well?

There are a lot of examples of businesses that have used Pinterest well, but if you’re looking to get started I recommend checking out women’s accessories designer BagsInc. The company has taken advantage of not only pinning images from its own products but also images featuring celebrities and models wearing them. They also repin a lot of pins that feature other accessories in their design aesthetic as well as company logos (which then link back to their website). It’s a smart way to keep your brand top-of-mind with followers who are likely to be interested in products like yours in general.

When should you start your Pinterest page?

Before you create your page, think about why you want one. Is it to connect with existing customers? To market products to potential customers? To keep in touch with your existing network? For inspiration? All of these reasons are great ones and all have different objectives that should dictate what you include on your page. Think carefully about who you're targeting and how best to reach them—and make sure it ties back into your business plan!

How often should you upload content to your Pinterest page?

If you really want to utilize Pinterest as a marketing tool, then you need to create content. And you need to make sure that your business is posting new content every day. The best way to do that is by setting up a schedule. Try creating weekly pinning prompts for each member of your team and see how it affects engagement on your page. How much traffic are you getting from Pinterest? This will be different for each individual but if you're not seeing any traffic, it might be time to reevaluate how often you upload pins or how much time your investment in doing so.

Where should you put links on your Pinterest page?

When using Pinterest as a part of your marketing strategy, it's important to have a few places on your page that you link up to. Think about what products you have for sale and then include links to those pages. Linking back is an easy way to show appreciation for those who pin from your page. For example, let's say I'm selling artwork through my Etsy shop.

  •  Instead of simply posting a picture of one of my paintings and hoping people will click over to see more.
  •  I link directly from my painting post over to my products page at Etsy where they can purchase whatever they like. 
  • The same goes with any non-online store that you might have - link up wherever possible!

What can you do to get more followers on Pinterest?

Use Pinterest's smartphone app and start pinning images from your camera roll. This will allow you to start curating a collection of your own images that you can then share with potential customers. When posting, include text that encourages interaction, like asking questions or providing social media links where they can find more information. As your follower count grows, you'll likely get more people repinning and following you, which is great! However, if it seems like most of your repins are coming from one person or just a few people, reach out to them directly to ensure they're following you back. That way you won't feel too spammy when sending them another pin request in their inbox.

How can you make the most out of your time spent on Pinterest?

There are few things as time-consuming, but also as rewarding, as pinning on Pinterest. The app is perfect if you have a passion or hobby and enjoy having an avenue to share that interest with other people. Regardless of your reason for being on Pinterest, there’s no better way to make more out of your pins than by integrating them into your business strategy. Here are some ways you can use Pinterest for marketing.

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