TikTok App is the Official App for the Social Network
TikTok app is the official app for the super popular social network that lets you create and share fun videos with all your friends and followers. In order to take advantage of all that TikTok has to offer, including original soundtracks and advanced editing features, you’ll need to first register an account on their website using your unique username or e-mail address. This will help them know who you are and make sure that only you can use your account to access TikTok via their app.
What are some things you should know about TikTok?
The first thing you’ll want to know about TikTok is its login process. Users of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify will find that login process familiar—once you log in with your primary account information (username and password), TikTok will post content based on what you follow on those other social networks. For example, if you are logged into Facebook, your feed will reflect both public posts from friends and videos from artists/bands/users whom you follow directly on Facebook. So if you like or dislike a video or comment on a post, that action will be reflected within your other social networks as well!
How do I install and log into TikTok?
To install TikTok, simply search on your phone's app store. For iOS users, you can download it here; and Android users can find it here. To log in to TikTok, tap on your profile icon and tap 'Login'. Tap 'Use an existing account' (if you already have a Tiktok account) or 'Create an Account (if you do not). Input your login information and you're good to go!
What type of content can I find on Tiktok?
Tiktok has a diverse library of video content, which includes comedy videos, music videos, dance videos, and unique user-generated content (like vlogs). You can even find clips featuring your favorite Tiktok stars—but only if you’re following them. If you aren’t already on Tiktok (or want to know more about a particular star), just tap their icon or username. After that, everything should be clear: scrolling down will display related tik talks; tapping on a TikTok opens it in full-screen mode; closing TikTok returns you to your feed and anything else you were doing. If you enjoy a particular video or channel, give it a thumbs up!
What's unique about this app?
TikTok app is an open platform that allows you to log in using social media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, and Instagram. If you don't have a Tiktok account, Tiktok also allows you to register using your phone number. This unique feature of being able to log in with all different social media platforms makes TikTok stand out from other apps that are similar such as Musically. When creating your account on TikTok it will walk you through how to create videos in a fun and easy way so you can enjoy them with friends or family! It's simple enough for anyone to use but still has many features inside including stickers, filters, music, and more!
What makes it so cool?
If you have a ton of fun short videos in your TikTok library, it can be pretty hard to figure out how to share them with all your friends and followers. Tiktok login helps you manage that all within one app. Not only can you search through other users' profiles and stories, but you can also use the TikTok app as a video editing tool, complete with filters, masks, text overlays—the works!
Why is it so popular among kids my age?
The appeal of the TikTok app among teens is undeniable. It’s just as popular with kids my age as other platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It isn’t quite as intuitive to use, but kids today are much savvier about social media than I am, so I suspect it only takes them a short time to figure out how to post videos from their phone to TikTok and connect with their friends on there. All in all, despite not being well known by adults, kids of my generation seem more likely than not to be watching videos and making videos on the TikTok app at least occasionally.
Do I need an account to use this app?
TikTok only requires an account if you want to log in to your TikTok account. If you choose not to log in, you will still be able to use all of TikTok’s features and upload content that can be viewed by anyone. While it may not have as many users as other social media apps, Tik Tok has a loyal following. Those who do create accounts can easily access their friend's lists from other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, so using an account isn’t essential when creating a profile on Tik Tok.
Sign-up process - How does it work?
TikTok is not currently available in Australia, Canada, India, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, or Vietnam. At present time you need to be at least 13 years old to create an account on Tiktok and use all features of Tiktok. If you are under 13 years old it's against our rules and Terms of Service to register or use a Tiktok account. When you sign up as an adult (18+), we will ask your permission to share information with partners who have products or services for children and teens.
Can kids under 13 sign up for this app or use this service at all?
No. People under 13 can't sign up for TikTok at all. There's a way to report apps you think are using your information without permission if you want to give that a try. If you're 13 or older, yes, you can use TikTok. To get started, just download it from Apple's App Store or Google Play and tap on Sign Up/Create Account at the bottom of your home screen. You'll be prompted to enter your phone number and email address to create an account (which is free). After that, you can log in with your username and password or log in through Facebook.